"Above all learn to breathe correctly" Joseph H. Pilates.

Welcome to Hometown Pilates Angola!
I am very excited to finally bring The Pilates method of body conditioning to
our beautiful town. Pilates is a wonderful way of increasing flexibility,
strength, and coordination of the body and mind.
You can begin learning Pilates at any stage of your life, from teens to seniors,
athletes to couch potatoes. Everyone has got to start somewhere.
Try Pilates and learn to do the
exercises in the best way for your specific physical needs.
Hometown Pilates offers a comfortable environment to develop your body's
true potential. The studio is equipped with all the necessary machines and
props for an individualized workout experience.
Angola's own Hometown Pilates Studio

Contact me to make your appointment today!

Hello my name is Dylann Miklaszewicz, I am not new to having a Pilates studio just new to this area. I have been teaching Pilates for more than 20 years. I really enjoy helping my clients achieve their goals. That's why I am pleased to bring my experience working with various physical ailments and body postures to bring health back to your body. Things like pre/post-surgery support, postnatal, overall tightness, core strength, chronic pain, injury prevention/rehabilitation, neurological disorders like M.S., Parkinson's, spinal conditions like Scoliosis, Stenosis to name a few. I also enjoy bringing better body awareness and balance to the physically fit. Pilates is a unique way of approaching overall health.
Concentrate on the correct movement each time you exercise. Lest you do them improperly and thus lose all the physical benefits.
-Joseph H. Pilates
Mind and body must be coordinated, in order not only to accomplish the maximum results with the minimum expenditure of mental and physical energy, but also live as long as possible in normal health and enjoy the benefits of a useful and happy life.
Joseph H. Pilates, Your Health